S23 SARM for Sale | Buy S-23 Capsules Online



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In animal research studies, S-23 was found to have a half life of 11.9 hours with 96% of it being absorbed. The peak levels in this research started roughly four hours after administration of the SARM. S-23 works by binding to proteins of the androgen receptors. By doing so it is able to activate muscle building within the body. Currently no human studies are available. However, in a report on a study done with rats, researchers noted that S-23 was able to prevent muscle loss through receptors known as glucocorticoid.

All products currently listed on this site are for research purposes only and not for human consumption.

SARMs are not evaluated by the FDA, nor are they allowed by WADA.

Application: Binds to androgen receptors
CAS: 1010396-29-8
Molecular Weight: 416.76g mol
Chemical Formula: C18H13ClF4N2O3
Chemical Name: (S)-N-(4-Cyano-3-Trifluoromethyl-Phenyl)-3-(3-Fluoro, 4-Chlorophenoxy)-2-Hydroxy-2-Methyl-Propanamide
Synonyms: 1010396-29-8, CCTH-methylpropionamide, UNII-XDK89456WM, CHEMBL512283
Storage: Minimize open air exposure, store in a cool dry place.
Stability: 2 years
Purity: 98%
Solubility: Soluble to ethanol at rate of 10mg/ml
Organoleptic Profile: slightly yellow, crystalline powder.
Physical Form: fine powder in vegan capsule
Specifications: 5mg/capsule
Container: 60 S-23 capsules
Terms: The products we offer are intended for laboratory research use only.

S23 is growing in popularity as one of the more potent SARMs available to date. It has many potential benefits. This includes both bone density and muscle mass improvements. Not only that, S-23 SARM has shown an affinity to aid female’s that have lost their sex drive. You can buy S23 from Paradigm Peptides in 5mg capsule form. If you’d like to learn more then read on in the description section.

S-23 – What Should You Know
S23 is a selective androgen receptor modulator, or SARM. Unlike other compounds such as Andarine, it is able to bind more thoroughly to androgen receptors. The compound was developed by GTx, Inc. GTx is a pharmaceutical company that specializes in both production of SARMs and SERMs. It was originally found in Memphis in 1997 and originally called Genotherapeutics. It didn’t become GTx until 2001.

What is S23?
As said above, SARMs are selective in nature. The point is to have compounds that mimic testosterone. This is done by binding to very specific receptors within the body. S23 is no different in its workings and it is said that it targets bone and muscle tissue much like other SARMs. It is one of the more potent SARMs available on the market. This is because of its ability to connect and create strong bonds with androgen receptors. By binding to androgen receptors, there is an increase in activity for muscle building proteins. This then creates an increase of muscle for the test subjects.

As far as the half life of S-23, in animal studies it is at 11.9 hours with about 96% of it being absorbed. The peak levels start around the four hour mark for this SARM. As of right now, there are no human studies that have been conducted.

Benefits of S23
With a study done on rats, it was shown to decrease the average body weight and fat mass of the study subjects. In addition to this, estrogen was given to the rats as a way to promote mating. In doing this, muscle mass was lost. However, the SARM in turn was able to override the effects of the estrogen and produced more lean muscle mass in the rats. The benefits of fat decrease are dose dependent. Typically, the higher the dose, the better the results.

Another study revolved around glucocorticoid. These are receptors that transmit signals for things like cortisol. For those rats, S23 was able to prevent muscle loss because of glucocorticoid.

Of course, it’s not all about muscle as bones can be affected too. Of course, this is typically in a positive manner. In other animal studies, it increased bone mineral density like many other SARMs do.

Something to think about is that this particular SARM is being researched as a male birth control option. But don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that you will fully lose your ability to have children. In fact, it works much in the same way the female birth control pill works. It reduces hormones such as LH and FSH. This by default suppresses sperm production. The rest is pretty self-explanatory. Once use is discontinued the test subjects hormone levels typically return to normal or baseline.

A final benefit is the potential for S-23 to increase sexual desire in women. In a study with female postmenopausal rats, it increased sexual desire and maintained the size of the female rat’s uterus and uterine lining.

Side Effects of S23
Side effects for this SARM are still being determine. However, some of the common ones include night sweats, cramping, an increase in both aggression and acne as well as the possibility of hair loss. Of course, many of these side effects are mild in nature and do tend to dissipate over time.


Disclaimer: The S-23 currently listed on this site is sold for research use only. Not for human consumption. This product is not a drug, supplement, food or cosmetic and it may not be misused, sold, labeled or branded as such.

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 3 in


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