Can BPC 157 Support Tendon Healing? (Research-Based)

Getting seriously injured is every athlete’s nightmare. Not only can it take you off the field for days or even weeks at a time, but the recovery process is often long and challenging. Naturally, everyone who leads an active lifestyle is at some risk of accident and injury, but fortunately, there are plenty of natural supplements and remedies that can aid in the healing process.

One example is BPC 157, a peptide that’s derived from human gastric juices and promoted for its usefulness in wound healing. The list of BPC 157 benefits includes soft tissue healing, faster recovery from muscle injuries, and more. What’s more, there is ample research to show that BPC 157 can be an effective therapy for tendon injuries.

As you begin shopping for the best BPC 157 for sale, it may be helpful to know a little bit more about how this peptide can enhance recovery. 

Understanding the Positive Healing Effects of BPC 157

Athletes face many potential injury types, but damage to their connective tissue can be especially debilitating. Specifically, tendon injuries happen to players of virtually every sport and can encompass everything from tennis elbow and golf elbow to Achilles heel injuries.

Thankfully, clinical trials and scientific research indicate that the correct BPC 157 dosage can have many beneficial effects for those who have hurt their tendons. Consider some examples:

  • One prominent study notes that BPC 157 helps with tendon healing by promoting outgrowth, cell survival, and migration. This happens through a process known as the activation of the FAK-paxillin pathways.
  • Another study demonstrates that this peptide can improve tendon recovery and function, noting how BPC 157 helped to accelerate the healing of the Achilles tendon in a rat.
  • Still, another study confirms that BPC 157 can spur the angiogenesis process, stimulating the growth of blood vessels to wounded areas. This can help not only with the healing of tendons but potentially muscle and ligament healing, as well.

These and comparable studies show that a dose of BPC 157 can have immense benefits as tendon therapies, promoting an accelerated healing process.

How to Use BPC 157

If you’re looking for an accelerated healing process, specifically for a tendon wound, BPC 157 may be just what you’ve been waiting for. Because it’s derived from all-natural human gastric juices, it represents a very low level of risk and, when administered properly, can help with tissue growth. There are also plenty of other benefits, from bone healing to treatment for ulcers, which we won’t get into here.

Before you start using this peptide, we recommend:

  • Talk with your medical provider to ensure that BPC 157 is right for you, and ask about how to get the correct dose.
  • Remember that BPC 157 is available as an oral supplement but tends to be more effective when administered as a subcutaneous injection.
  • Seek peptide products that are made in the USA and have a high level of purity and quality.

We invite you to consider Paradigm Peptides. Our products are pharmaceutical grade, and offer the highest standards of purity and efficacy currently available. Order BPC 157 from Paradigm Peptides today, and take your first step toward full and fast tendon healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does BPC 157 help tendons?

Yes, there is plenty of scientific consensus around the fact that BPC 157, when taken at the appropriate dosage, can help improve the recovery and functionality of tendons. This is in addition to its other known effects, such as for treating ulcerative colitis.

Can BPC 157 heal torn ligaments?

There is some widely-cited testing that shows BPC 157 can expedite the healing of ligaments.

How does BPC 157 affect tendons?

By improving blood flow and collagen production, BPC 157 can help accelerate tendon healing while improving tendon functionality.

How fast does BPC 157 work?

Results will vary from one person to the next, but often, people notice substantial improvement in as little as 24 to 48 hours.

Does BPC 157 grow cartilage?

Studies show that BPC 157 can be used to spur cartilage growth.

How can I heal my ligaments and tendons faster?

Beyond taking BPC 157, other options include using a brace, resting for a while, applying ice and compression, and taking anti-inflammatory medications. Always be sure you check with your doctor to confirm the best options for promoting cell growth and soft tissue repair.


Chang, C., Tsai, W., Lin, M., Hsu, Y., & Pang, J. (2011). The promoting effect of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on tendon healing involves tendon outgrowth, cell survival, and cell migration.. Journal of applied physiology, 110 3,

Starešinić, M., Šebečić, B., Patrlj, L., Jadrijević, S., Suknaić, S., Perović, D., Aralica, G., Žarković, N., Borović, S., Srdjak, M., Hajdarevic, K., Kopljar, M., Batelja, L., Boban-Blagaic, A., Turčić, I., Anić, T., Seiwerth, S., & Sikiric, P. (2003). Gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 accelerates healing of transected rat Achilles tendon and in vitro stimulates tendocytes growth. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 21.

Brčić, L., Brčić, I., Starešinić, M., Novinščak, T., Sikiric, P., & Seiwerth, S. (2009). Modulatory effect of gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on angiogenesis in muscle and tendon healing.. Journal of physiology and pharmacology : an official journal of the Polish Physiological Society, 60 Suppl 7,

Cerovecki T, Bojanic I, Brcic L, Radic B, Vukoja I, Seiwerth S, Sikiric P. Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (PL 14736) improves ligament healing in the rat. J Orthop Res. 2010 Sep;28(9):1155-61. doi: 10.1002/jor.21107. PMID: 20225319.

Lee E, Padgett B. Intra-Articular Injection of BPC 157 for Multiple Types of Knee Pain. Altern Ther Health Med. 2021 Jul;27(4):8-13. PMID: 34324435.