Muscle Fatigue: Why Does It Happen & How to Prevent It

Muscle fatigue is basically our body’s way of saying, “HEY STOP!” when we start to cause damage. It’s the way our body stops us from unknowingly or even knowingly creating more damage. 

Why Does Muscle Fatigue Happen?

In a general sense, muscle fatigue is our body’s inability to maintain the power needed to get something done. Believe it or not, some forms of muscle fatigue can actually change things at the molecular level and even cause something referred to as peripheral fatigue. While other forms of muscle fatigue can happen in the brain.

While peripheral muscle fatigue typically affects the body at a muscular level, the fatigue that can be caused in the brain is just as bad. This is because it can literally reduce your energy, cause a change in hormones which can lead to a hormonal imbalance and can really mess with performance.

Causes of Muscle Fatigue

Now to be clear, there are a few ways that muscle fatigue can be caused. Of these ways the most common include a degradation of phosphocreatine concentrations, accumulation of hydrogen in the body, changes in your pH balance, and discretion of glycogens in muscle and glucose in your blood.

For those of you that have no idea what some of those things are or what they do for your body. Let’s break them down. For starters, phosphocreatine is basically what stores phosphates that provide energy for muscle contraction. It’s a phosphate ester of the chemical known as creatine which is found in the muscle vertebrate. 

Why is a higher concentration of hydrogen in the body not ideal? Well, slightly heightened hydrogen within the body affects the protein which carries oxygen in red blood cells. In doing so the cell then releases oxygen and gathers some of the hydrogen in its place. That can get brought back to our lungs. In other words, not something you want to happen. 

Now what about your pH? So what if it’s not balanced, right? Wrong, an imbalance in your pH levels means that you can have either too much acidity in your body or not enough. This ends up leading to your body not working optimally. So therefore, if muscle fatigue is causing your body’s pH to tweak out, you’ll want to get it back on track as soon as possible. 

As for the decrease in glycogen in muscles and glucose in blood sugar. This essentially will lead to an inability to synthesize adenosine triphosphate while exercising. Not to mention if your blood sugar is low then you’re more susceptible to fatigue, anxiety, irritability, and hunger.

Fatigue Categories

Yes, there are different categories of fatigue and knowing which one you’re experiencing can help with the right recovery. The two most common variations include acute fatigue and overtraining fatigue.

Acute Fatigue

In a general sense, acute fatigue is when you experience exercise related fatigue. For example, you may end up feeling weaker or more tired after repeating the same movements in a set for multiple sets. Your muscles will essentially go from feeling strong to not feeling strong at all.

Overtraining Fatigue

Now, when it comes to overtraining fatigue, this variation tends to be on the more serious side of fatigue and can present bigger problems. More specifically, problems with your physiology. The good news is that this type of fatigue can be avoided. How? So long as your training and recovery times are well balanced, you should be okay. 

How Can I Beat Muscle Fatigue?

The truth is, muscle fatigue is caused by a couple of different factors. So, if you take care of those factors you can typically beat out muscle fatigue that would otherwise plague your workouts. For example, in most cases, muscle fatigue is caused by a lack of energy as well as already existing acute fatigue. So what can you do? Take a creatine supplement as a way to combat both of those issues.

Other ways to beat muscle fatigue that was already touched on in the overtraining fatigue section is the balancing of training and recovery. For example, maybe you train for two or three days at between thirty minutes to an hour. Then on that third or fourth day you take the day to rest and recuperate. This gives your body ample time to heal. Not only that, you can then avoid muscle fatigue. Therefore, it’s a win-win situation.

Other things you can do to aid in muscle gain in a way where muscle fatigue wouldn’t necessarily be a worry is to use supplements. Some supplements such as SARMs like RAD-140 can really help gain muscle efficiently so long as it is used correctly. And no these supplements are not steroids. They are similar; however, they don’t have nearly as many side effects and are more selective in nature which typically means your major organs wouldn’t suffer the consequences.

Where to Buy SARMs

While their are dozens of options when it comes to the purchasing of SARMs, only one manufacturer truly stands out. That manufacturer is Paradigm Peptides. Not only do we have high quality, trusted products. Each product undergoes strict testing in our laboratories before becoming available. What are some things we test? Efficacy, purity, and potency. Ready to learn more about us? Click here to check out our SARMs now!