Somatotypes: Which One Do You Fit? | Paradigm Peptides

The theory of body types is explained in so many ways by so many different people. However, William Sheldon may have been onto something with his somatotypes and how they work. What does that even mean? It means that Sheldon created a classification for human body types as a way to better understand the physiology and traits individuals had.

What are Somatotypes?

When you get into the more ‘scientific’ background of what the different somatotypes are, you learn that it is under the category of taxonomy. In other words, it is a specific and scientific was to name or define certain groups of organisms. The science itself was developed in the 1940s by an American psychologist named William Herbert Sheldon.

It was his way to categorize the different human physiques based on specific ‘fundamental elements’. He thereby coined the name somatotypes which explains three different groupings. These groupings are endomorphs, mesomorphs, and ectomorphs. Ironically enough, he named these three variations after the three germ layers of embryonic development.

Even in today’s time period, Sheldon’s different variations still prove to be vital health information. In fact, it is used most commonly in conjunction with the Heath-Carter methodology. In this ideal multiple measurements are taken in order to obtain anthropomorphic research. By combining the difference measurements into various equations, one can find if they fit into one of Sheldon’s somatotypes. You can find the needed measurements and equations to do this yourself by clicking here.

One thing to keep in mind is that even though the three original somatotypes still exist, there have since been hybrid variations of them as well. This means that a person is not strictly an endomorph or mesomorph, they may end up being an endo-mesomorph instead. But before we get too far into that idea, let’s learn the basics on each somatotype.


In terms of the endomorph somatotype, these individuals tend to be on the heavier side. They typically have more body fat than muscle mass and are ‘rounder’ in the abdominal region. However, that’s not to say that they are overweight or obese. It’s just how their physical makeup ended up working out. Of course, that then begs the question, are they able to lose weight and gain muscle?

The answer is yes. The main focus for this somatotype in any exercise and nutritional sense should be on reduction of caloric intake and a steady workout regimen that pairs both strength and cardio training. Essentially, the endomorphic body type tends to take excess calories and creates them to fat. So obviously, the more balanced your caloric intake is the better off you’ll be for this body type.


Now, if instead you are a healthy mix of both endomorph and ectomorph, you’ll likely find yourself in the mesomorph somatotype. This body type is classified as that person that can easily gain muscle and maintain a naturally muscular physique with what seems like ease.

If you’re part of this category, maintaining your physique through proper nutrition and exercise is what will keep you in shape with little to no effort.


Ectomorph’s according to Sheldon’s somatotypes are the ‘weaker’ group. This is the class of individuals who are lanky and tend to have a slimmer more undefined muscle type. Think models when you think of ectomorphs.

As an ectomorph you’ll find gaining muscle or weight as an issue because you simply won’t be able to do it without real effort. In most cases, this means upping your caloric intake and working to provide your body with a good amount of protein. As an ectomorph your metabolism tends to work a little too well which is why more calories and proteins can really help.

Somatotype Hybrid Body Types

At this point, you’re probably thinking, okay so what happens if I identify with multiple somatotypes? To this, we would say you are a hybrid. What does that mean for you? Well, it means that you have characteristics from two different variations of somatotypes. Some are probably more dominant than others. But what can you do if that’s the case?


Believe it or not, this body type is a thing. It basically means that you have some characteristics of an endomorph but you’re more predominantly an ectomorph. This can look like someone who’s metabolism doesn’t work as quickly but you still maintain a slim stature.


An endo-mesomorph is another conundrum. This is because they are able to have the muscular physique however they may also still be on the heavier side.


Last but not least is the ecto-mesomorph somatotype. In this case, you’re on the slimmer side. However, you’re still visibly muscular. Even if the muscle is lean and not as defined.

Supplements for All Body Types

Whether you’re an endomorph trying to lose the extra weight through weight loss supplements such as LGD 3303 or an ectomorph trying to gain muscle and definition. Having the right supplements from a trusted source makes all the difference, why? Because there is no guess work involved. Which means you’re probably wondering where you should buy your supplements.

Somatotype Body Types at Paradigm Peptides

Whether you are an aspiring bodybuilder, someone just starting your fitness journey, or just need an edge Paradigm Peptides can help. We have a vast array of supplements to choose from with each one able to do different things. This means that you can tailor your supplement regimen to your goals with little to no guess work.

Not only that, we provide high quality products that undergo stringent testing. This means we test our pharmaceutical grade products for things like efficacy and purity before even making them available to you. So, were you able to figure out your somatotype? Are you ready to start your fitness journey? Then check out our blog and product pages for all things supplements today!